Ice Cubes and World Peace

Antarctic Entree ICE CUBES INGREDIENT water SPECIAL UTENSILS glacier pick axe Siberian husky panniers Van Gogh painting Twinkie monastery Porsche PREPARATION – If you live near a glacier. Take pick axe to glacier. Shatter a […]

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Chicken Pot Pie, H.G. Wells, and World War I

American Entree CHICKEN POT PIE INGREDIENTS – FILLING 3 chicken breasts 3 medium carrots 2 stalks celery 1 onion 1 white potato 1/3 cup butter 1/3 cup flour (6 more cups later) 1/4 teaspoon celery […]

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Pretzels, Prayers, and War

American Appetizer PRETZELS INGREDIENTS 3/4 cup warm water 2 cups bread flour or plain flour 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar 1/2 tablespoon dry active yeast 1 egg no-stick spray 1/2 […]

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Simple Corned Beef and Tic-tac-toe

Irish Entree SIMPLE CORNED BEEF INGREDIENTS 1 4-to-5 pound ready-to-cook corned beef brisket 6 russet potatoes 3 large carrots 1 large white onion 1/2 head cabbage water SPECIAL UTENSIL crock pot PREPARATION Put ready-to-cook corned […]

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Survey: Does this look like the French flag?

When life gives you lemons, find a way to increase their value and sell those bad boys. If you ask Thirsty Dave what he thinks about lemons, he would probably ask if they’re filled with […]

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